Sunday, October 28, 2012

It was about time to get to the southern coast of Java....

The Indonesian island of Java is broken up into four regencies; West Java, Jakarta DKI, Central Java, and East Java. The massive metropolis that is Jakarta (In Western Java but not a part of the West Java state) can have up to  25-30 million people int the city during a business day. Surrounding cities such as Tangerang, Depok, Bogor and Bandung are also extremely crowded with traffic flowing in and out continuously at all times of the day and night. West Java and Jakarta DKI together are extremely densely populated, cars, buildings, and people fill the city and at times you have no idea you are so close to a plethora of natural wonders. Fortunately, I still am.

This last weekend I spent 8 hours on a bus from Jakarta to the end of West Java, near the beginning of Central Java to a small city on the southern coast called Pangandaran. Pangandaran is known for its natural beauty; beaches, national park, green canyon and valley. However, the rich Sundanese culture, surfing and of course relaxing on the beach make the place a true gem.

Less popular, smaller, and a bit more off the beaten track than the green canyon is the green valley. Some less than spectacular roads, a short hike, and of course asking people for directions, and you can find it about 25 km from Pangandaran. It is a beautiful jungle, unfortunately the river was still cleansing itself so it wasn't too appealing, however, of course I went in anyways.

I swam into this cave until I realized that it was just a very, dark scary place that I didn't really want to be in there anymore.

It's always nice to meet people at a bar and then have them offer to take you to a spectacular site such as the green canyon. Not too far from the Green valley you are able to arrive at a beautiful green river that runs through a canyon, hence 'The Green Canyon' The four of us hired a boat and took in the wonderful sights of the jungle, river, canyon, caves, and waterfalls.

It really does feel like you are in the middle of nowhere (though not really) when you are on the boat. All you see is green, occasionally some blue birds, and dark lizards, but more or less.

After about thirty minutes or so you enter this cave on the right and can swim in the river and relax.

As I was aimlessly wondering through the national park, a man popped up out of nowhere and offered to take me into this cave for a dollar. It sounded great to me. Stalactites and Stalagmites, the sounds of bats, and darkness was everywhere but then, we found....

This little guy! He looked like a guinea pig mixed with a porcupine, and he /she really didn't like the light from my camera so I quickly left the scene. Hope you're okay bro!

After a few days of drinking and waking up early to go on different adventures, I was quite pleased that there were beautiful beaches everywhere and I could just go nap.

I also made a youtube video of the holiday which is a lot better than just the photos, enjoy!

You can follow this link here:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

There was a lot of traffic, oh and I had no idea how to get there.

These are pictures.



No, don't watch us, watch your baby.

five bucks on blue..


We are going somewhere.

We're not lost, I'm just uploading a picture from instagram onto twitter. 
Quit following us.

Found it!


Our wives.

"Today we're going to kill roosters and then drive them somewhere"

Excuse me!

Charlie Sheen.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Mt. Rinjani

A great way to celebrate my first nine months in Indonesia: Scuba diving, motorcycle adventures, and hiking.

They don't know how to sit like Asians yet, so I was giving them an excellent example.

A place where we found out a marriage ritual that involves kidnapping your cousin.

Gili Trawangan is pretty.

It's still pretty.

I practiced scuba diving in this pool while craving margaritas.

This lady (boat) took us to great places to scuba dive.

I drank lots of beer while watching the sunset right here.

Kuta Lombok, one of the prettiest beaches I've ever seen.

I work out.

There are no cars on Gili Trawangan, but there are a lot of horse drawn carriages, and horse poop.

The coolest graveyard on earth.

Balinese temple on Lombok.

Before beginning our hike up Mt. Rinjani where I realized I hate exercising, and moving.

I want.

Hella tired.

Indonesia's largest Caldera

The most beautiful man I've ever seen.

My staff, with the volcano in the background, and I know I'm skinny.

Hot springs, when it's really hot out = hot.

Tony likes hot springs.



The peak of the mountain on the left, lake in the middle with the volcano squatting in the middle of the lake.

Sunsets are overrated, they happen everyday.

The next day.

I was cold.

All hiking and no play makes Tone a dull boy.